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If God Can Do Anything, Why Can’t He Have a

God’s Power is Unlimited And Eternal The belief in one God, monotheism, is the most important concept within Islam. Muslims believe in one God who created the universe and has ultimate power over His creation. The relationship between a Muslim and God is not just about obedience, it is dedicating every day for the Creator and sustainer […]Read More

Polygamy in Islam: Why Can a Muslim Man Marry Multiple

In America, we love to have family reunions and see the new generations of our family. It does not matter if we have never met before, we embrace everyone at the reunion and have a day full of happiness and hugs while hoping that the family will continue to grow. In Islamic polygamy, the family […]Read More

The Problem With Pig – Why Can’t Muslims Eat Pork?

For Muslims, it’s not just about a healthy soul but also a healthy body. You may not be familiar with a common scenario at a cafeteria or buffet with a Muslim. ‘Excuse me, can you tell me if the fish was fried in the same oil as the sausages?’ ‘Excuse me can you please serve […]Read More

Islamic Actions For Welcoming a Muslim Baby

In Islam, the celebration of welcoming a new born child is more than tears of joy shed by the parents. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) recommended acts that elevates and purifies the status of a Muslim baby. In order for parents to make the most impact in a child’s life, they must be mentally […]Read More

5 Facts That Prove The Quran is From God

The Quran is the Word of God revealed through the Angel Gabriel to the final Prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The beautiful words of the Quran go straight to the heart if read with an open mind. Many people have remarked how calming and peaceful listening to recitation of the Quran is. […]Read More

If You Can’t See God, Why Believe in Him?

Is Seeing God Enough to Believe? What would happen if we could see God? Would it bring an end to all doubt about His existence and unite human beings into one religious family? Would it herald the start of a utopian society on earth? Imagine the average individual was able to see God. How long […]Read More

Who Are Prophets According to Islam?

You may already know Islam means submission to God’s will and being a Muslim means living your life according to His will. But the big question is: “How can anyone know what God’s will is? How can we know for a fact what God wants from us?” If you believe in God, but you’re not […]Read More

Modern World And The Impact of Muslim Inventions

You wake up in the morning wash with soap, reach for the deodorant, get your bike or car and head to work. Nothing out of the usual right? But, did you know this would not be possible without the contribution of Islam to the Modern World? Did you ever guess these are Muslim inventions? Islam’s Golden Era Islam’s […]Read More

This is How Muslims Enjoy Eid Festivities

Birthdays, Anniversaries and New Year’s…Oh my! Your calendar might be overflowing with holiday after holiday, usually a couple per month. Contrastingly, you’ll only find two holidays on a Muslim’s calendar. Muslims abstain from celebrating any holiday other than Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. Both come right after the completion of a facet of worship. Put Your […]Read More

Rest Stop: Paradise

Have you ever gone on a long car ride across several states, leaving home and setting out for a family vacation? If you live on the east coast of the United States, you might be heading down to Florida to Disney World or some other vacation spot. I’m talking about long drives like driving for […]Read More