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Do Muslim Women Feel Oppressed?

“Why not?”“Coz I said so!”“Good one Mom. You should be a lawyer.” Ahhhh remember the good old teenage years when you died a little bit inside every time you heard one of your friends didn’t have curfews or chores? When they made something called ‘last minute plans’ while your parents needed the exact detailed information […]Read More

Muslim Prayer in The Bible?

“AND HE (JESUS) WENT A LITTLE FARTHER, AND FELL ON HIS FACE, AND PRAYED” MATTHEW, 26:39 Muslims Pray Like Jesus As you may know, Muslims perform a ritual prayer at five different times during the day. This prayer is called “Salah”. There are four positions in Salah: Standing Bowing Prostrating Sitting The way that Muslims […]Read More

7 Islamic Time Management Tips That Work For Everyone!

Life is merely a short rest stop on the journey to the Hereafter. So, don’t wait until tomorrow to change for the better; start today because tomorrow might never come. Islam emphasizes the importance of time management. Muadh ibn Jabal, a companion of the Prophet, quotes the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) […]Read More

Hajj: The Life-Changing Journey to Mecca

Mecca, a city in western Saudi Arabia, is a place where millions of Muslims gather from around the world, regardless of age and race. It is an annual event that accommodates one of the largest gatherings of people in the world from all walks of life. Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, is for the spiritual […]Read More

Social Justice in Islam

Did you know Islam embraces Social Justice and teaches the importance of implementing it in our daily lives? Social justice is the equal distribution of resources and opportunities, with no prejudice as pertains to gender, race, social class, religion, etc. Muslim Women enjoy privileges only given to women in modern times. Islam does not look down on […]Read More

What is Shari’a Law & How Concerned Should You Be?

People fear what they don’t understand. Sharia law often falls into this category. But why? You may be surprised to learn it isn’t very different from the positive principles we try to teach children like goodness and responsibility. Schools across the world ask students to follow rules of conduct. Companies and organizations have codes of […]Read More

Islamic Perspective on Morality

Islam is a complete way of life that provides a belief structure, and a moral system that guides individuals and society. Morality is a set of values regarding someone’s behavior and lifestyle choices. A code of conduct that a society uses to determine right from wrong. Islamic decency and justice is for Muslims and Non-Muslims. […]Read More

Want to Be Happy? Islam Says Be Grateful!

Have you struggled with feeling unsatisfied in life? Do you find yourself focusing more on the negative things around you? When’s the last time you were in a difficult situation and thanked God for the experience? Focus on The Good Depression and negativity are such common emotions and can lead to feeling resentment toward God […]Read More

What Happens Inside a Mosque Will Bring You True Peace

The sight of a building with tall towers and golden domes never ceases to arouse the interest of passersby. What exactly do Muslims do in a mosque and how is it different from other places of worship? A mosque, otherwise called a Masjid in Arabic, is a place of worship in Islam. Literarily, a mosque doesn’t […]Read More

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo; African Muslim Inspiration

African Muslims are among the most inspiring and significant people in the history of the U.S.A. because they had a big influence on the country. They deserve recognition for molding and shaping it into what it is today. One such Muslim was Ayuba Suleiman Diallo. Prominent Lineage Ayuba was born in Bundu, Senegal to a […]Read More